Crisis Exercises

Crisis Exercises

No news at 4.30am is good.
— Lady Bird Johnson, A White House Diary

Do you want to put your crisis planning to the test? Do you need a pseudo media team to put your planning and systems under scrutiny?

Cabix has years of experience working with a wide variety of government and business clients in testing themselves against the worst case scenarios for their organisations. We put your people under media pressure, challenging them over the phone, at media conferences, and door-stopping them with a media ambush.

We can provide both written and broadcast news stories, showing the results of your team’s response to the crisis, or if you prefer, a report on how the media pressure was handled, and what news coverage might have resulted. We can also provide social media injects.

Cabix can provide a media presence for small exercises of a few hours, through to ongoing events running for several days. We are self-sufficient in our equipment and are able to provide this service throughout the country.